Create Customized Listings
Create Customized Candidate/Election Related Committee Listing 
Who are the candidates running for office in your State Legislative District, county, municipality, or school board? What committees have been formed? From this section of the website, you may create a listing of all of the candidates and committees running in a particular election, or create a listing just including your Legislative District, county, municipality or school board. You may also create this same listing showing the various reports that have been filed and then view those reports.
Create Customized Political Party Committees and Continuing Political Committees Listing 
Who are the Political Party Committees and Continuing Political Committees? Parties include the State, county and municipal political party committees as well as the legislative leadership committees. A Political Action Committee (PAC) also known as a continuing political committee (CPC), are the special interest groups. From this section of our website you may create a listing of all of the committees registered with the Commission. You can view a listing of these committees and you may also create this same listing showing the various reports that have been filed and then view those reports.