Request an Advisory Opinion
Advisory Opinion Request Form for Candidates and Committees 
Download Instructions for Advisory Opinion Request Form for Candidates and Committees Form
A person, committee, or entity subject to any provision of the “New Jersey Campaign Contributions and Expenditures Reporting Act,” N.J.S.A. 19:44A-1 et seq. is entitled to request that the Commission through its Legal Counsel provide an advisory opinion as to whether or not a contemplated action or set of facts give rise to an obligation to report campaign activity. See N.J.S.A. 19:44A-16f and Commission regulations N.J.A.C. 19:25-18.1 and 18.2.
The requestor must have standing to ask the question, that is, the requestor must show that the filing or other statutory requirements of the person or entity will be directly affected by the outcome. The request must concern future, contemplated activity, not actions that have already been taken. Generally, a request that raises a question of law that has been previously decided or does not raise any new issues will not give rise to a formal advisory opinion, but will be referred to the staff of the Compliance Division for response.
The request must be in writing and be signed by the person submitting it. The request must contain an original signature; therefore, the request can not be faxed to the Commission. Click here for the Advisory Opinion Request Form for Candidates and Committees or contact the Compliance staff at the Commission for a copy of the form at (609) 292-8700.
Questions arising under “The Gubernatorial, Legislative Disclosure Statement Act,” N.J.S.A. 19:44B-1 et seq., or the “Uniform Recall Act,” N.J.S.A. 19:27A-1 et seq. may be accepted for advisory opinion action at the Commission's discretion.
Access recently issued Advisory Opinions.
Advisory Opinion Request Form for Lobbying 
Download Instructions for Advisory Opinion Request Form for Lobbying
At the discretion of the Commission, a person, governmental affairs agent, or entity may request an advisory opinion as to whether or not a contemplated action or set of facts gives rise to the obligation to register and report pursuant to the “Legislative and Governmental Process Activities Disclosure Act,” N.J.S.A. 52:13C-18 et seq.
The requestor must have standing to ask the question, that is, the requestor must show that the filing or other statutory requirements of the requesting person, governmental affairs agent, or entity will be directly affected by the outcome. The request must concern future, contemplated activity, not actions that have already been taken. Generally, a request that raises a question of law that has been previously decided or does not raise any new issues will not give rise to a formal advisory opinion, but will be referred to the staff of the Compliance Division for response.
The request must be made in writing and be signed by the person submitting it. The request must contain an original signature; therefore, the request can not be faxed to the Commission. Click here for the Advisory Opinion Request Form for Lobbying or contact the Compliance staff at the Commission for a copy of the form at (609) 292-8700.
Access recently issued Advisory Opinions.